Frequently asked questions

What is Flip The Script?

Flip The Script is a blog designed for teens to share their thoughts and perspectives on global issues. We are passionate about creating a world where young voices lead the conversation on global issues.

How does the blog work?

We offer teens to apply for a writing position at Flip the Script. Once accepted as a writer for Flip the Script, teens can contribute to the blog regularly if they choose. Each submission goes through a simple approval process to ensure quality and alignment with the blog’s mission before being published.

Don't want to be a regular writer?

If you don’t want to commit to being a regular writer for Flip the Script, that’s completely fine! You’re welcome to contribute once or twice—whatever works for you. The blog is open to all teen voices, whether you have just one powerful piece to share or want to write more consistently. Every contribution matters and helps spark important conversations.

What is the difference between a regular writer and a one-time writer?

Regular writers become part of the Flip the Script team, contributing consistently and having their profiles featured under the "Mission" section of the blog. While one-time writers will just be featured under their work.

What can you write about?

You can write about any global issue or current event that you are passionate about. If you’re unsure where to start, there are five broad categories to guide your ideas: environmental issues, such as climate change and conservation; social justice topics like racial equity, gender equality, and human rights; health and well-being, including mental health and public health challenges; education and technology, focusing on access to education and the impact of innovation; and politics and policy, analyzing elections, policies, and governmental decisions. Whatever you choose, your unique perspective can spark meaningful conversations on Flip the Script!

When can you start?

You can start writing anytime during the year, as long as you fill out the application form which you can find in the "Contact" section of the blog.